Friday, September 26, 2014

Little Thought I Had

Hello little ones,
I had an epiphany about life tonight. Often times, the events that occur unexpectedly are the ones that bring you the most joy. Let me give you some examples.

First, we'll start with my relationship. My sophomore year of high school I had to be homeschooled due to illness. Like most high school students, I was required to take a chemistry class. Whilst in school, chemistry came pretty easy to me, and I believe I had a B in the class before I left. Since I was home schooled, more specifically enrolled in a charter school, all my classes were online, including chemistry. This made it much harder to learn things since I didn't have the hands-on, teacher accessible advantage that the other students did in "regular" high school. Long story short, I failed chemistry. Fast forward to second semester of my junior year, and I had decided to return to public school due to loneliness. I'm the kind of person that doesn't do well with a lot of free time, and constantly being home caused me to become very depressed. Since I failed online chemistry, I had to retake it, otherwise I would have an F on my transcripts, and would not graduate high school. I was very bothered about this situation. I would be in a class with younger kids, and would not be able to have early release like many of my friends did. I walked into third period chemistry somewhat nervous, and very much annoyed, and I saw a boy. I remember texting my friend who was a teachers aid for the class, saying, and I quote, "tall kid is attractive." (He was referred to as tall kid because he is 6'7). Now, you're probably aware of where I'm going with this, so I'll spare you the sappy details and fast forward a year and some change later, where "tall kid" is still happily my boyfriend.

This is life working in a quirky and mysterious way. Had I never gotten sick, never failed chemistry, I probably would have never met my boyfriend. Sure, some say that if it's meant to be it will happen no matter what, but maybe this was fate working in it's own bastardly way. The same thing happened two years later, when I registered for college. At the time of enrolling for classes, I was a liberal arts major, so I was required to take a unit of some form of an arts class. VPA 130 was listed, and when I asked my academic advisor what the course would entail, she informed me that it was a lecture on painting. This seemed like an easy way to get some credits, so I thought, why the hell not. How hard could it be, right?

Wrong. Very wrong. I walked into VPA 130 to find a small, white room, with natural lighting and a rectangle of tables. I still had high hopes that the class wasn't what I dreaded it would be as I never considered myself to be an artistic person. My professor, a fun and friendly woman from Syria, handed me a syllabus as I taking a seat. I read the title twice, then checked my schedule to confirm that I was in the correct classroom. I was, and the class was not a lecture on art, it was in fact a painting class. The course syllabus listed what supplies we would need, with intimidating names like cadmium red and palette knife. All I could think was, "what on Earth did I get myself into?"

Apparently, fate was at work again in my life, since this has been my favorite class of college so far. My professor reminds me of my god mother. She's the type of teacher that makes a classroom feel like her living room, and you're sitting on the couch together sharing a tea and talking in hushed voices about little, personal things. She smells like raw umber paint, her hair shoots in all directions, and she's always laughing, even at her own jokes. I've also noticed how relaxing painting is. By the end of the class, I feel like I'm having an out of body experience, like my hands are moving quicker than my brain, and before I can think, I'm adding blue to a painting with a color pallete of only reds and oranges. The most important thing I've noticed about this class however, is progress. Comparing my first painting to my most recent one, you can see that I'm actually learning things, and actually improving. Maybe I'm biased because I tend to be the person that is proud of my work, no matter how rubbish it actually is, but I think by the end of the semester there's a possibility that one of my paintings will be worthy of a framed spot on the wall. (Keyword possibility)

This is what was on my mind as I lay in bed tonight, glancing at my drying work of art next to a picture of me and my boyfriend. If something unexpected happens in your life and you are not sure how to react or go about it, give it a chance. The outcome of it might surprise you.

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