Sunday, October 5, 2014

It's Been A While

Hello everyone,
It has been a little bit of time (maybe about a week) since I have posted. I wanted to give myself some time to think about the direction I want to go in for my blog, and also do a bit of construction on the design. Cut me some slack as I am still learning how to use Blogger, hence the relevant picture above. That being said, I have decided what kind of blog I want this to be, and that is a review blog.

The blog's main focus will be on books, considering the fact that I read a book or two a week. I have been an avid reader throughout my whole life, and thought it would be a fun idea to share my thoughts and reviews on books I've read, or will read in the future.

I thought it would be nice for people who also enjoy reading. Before I choose a book, I always like to pop around and ask various people who I know have read the book their thoughts and rating of the book. This blog will be my way to do that for whoever is reading.

I am about to start reading 'Gone Girl' by Gillian Flynn, as the movie came out last weekend and I am a firm believer of reading the book before you see the movie. I will post my review of the book up when I am finished.

I would also like to add that this blog will not be strict to book reviews. I will still post tidbits about my life here and there, as well as my paintings, my photography, and maybe even some of my poetry. We'll see about the last one though.

In the mean time, if you have any suggestions on books I should read, or have any ideas for my blog, please feel free to leave a comment, as I would love to read them and see your input :)

Thank you, I'll see you soon!
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