Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Fall: In the Air, and In My Home

We step outside and the crisp air bites at us. The leaves on the trees are slowly making their descent to the sidewalks; the neighborhood children are seeing who can find the crunchiest one. For Southern Californians, 68 degree weather means we can officially break out the boots and sweaters. 
Yes, it's finally fall. 

Autumn is my favorite time of year, and whether it's the spiced cakes or the fall scented candles in every room, an itch for decorating takes me over. I've always loved decorating and moving into my own apartment has allowed me to embrace this hobby even more. But there's something about decorating for the holiday seasons that brings out a special joy. 

As a college student, I am always looking for ways to decorate on a budget. Today I will be showing you some of my purchases (and even DIY's) of my fall decorations. 

The Target "Dollar Spot" is my heaven. Not only are there cute and cheap decorations, (like these "BOO" letters for $3.00 or the copper ball lights for $5.00) but there are also other little bits and pieces that you never knew you needed. This is the first place I browse whenever I take a trip to Target, because you never know what you'll find in there. 

My favorite decorations of the year. I saw a picture of jars similar to this on Facebook and decided to make some of my own. I did two coats of paint, and then carved out the faces beforehand with a pencil. Super easy, cheap, and fun! I am looking forward to making Santa and his reindeer ;) 

I am obsessed with these mason jar tea light holders. They were only a dollar each at Michael's, and I'm debating going back and buying more. They are a nice edition to an area in your house that needs a little extra something, and my kitchen feels less bare with these in the corner. 

If you know me, you know that I am obsessed with candles. You can never have too many, and they add a homey feel to your place by the wonderful scents and relaxing lighting they put off. I splurged at Bath and Body Works and bought a few different scents this season. My favorites are Autumn and Flannel. I can't wait to start buying from their Christmas range!

Decorating is all about color scheme. If you want your house to feel more Autumnal, place lots of warm colors throughout (red, orange, yellow, and brown). I paired these pumpkins and candle cases with the perfect hardcover about Van Gogh. It's the little things that tie the entire room together! 

I hope everyone is having as much fun decorating for fall as I am. Next on my list is pumpkin carving and Halloween candy! Share pictures of your favorite decorations, or any cute DIY decorations you've attempted. Whether you're preparing for a snowy winter, or you're like me, simply excited to be able to turn the fireplace on, enjoy autumn while it's here. Try not to bust out the Christmas music and candles too early (November 1st should be fine.)

What are your essentials this fall? 

Have a lovely evening!
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